Bill Gates' NEW RULES* - "In the NEW ORGANIZATION, the worker is no longer a cog in the machine."

1.    Insist that COMMUNICATION flow through e-mail.

2.    Study sales data ONLINE to share insights easily.

3.    Shift KNOWLEDGE WORKERS into high-level thinking.

4.    Use digital tools to create VIRTUAL TEAMS.

5.    Convert every paper process to a DIGITAL PROCESS.


7.    Use digital tools to ELIMINATE SINGLE-TASK JOBS.

8.    Use digital systems to route CUSTOMER COMPLAINTS immediately.

9.    Use digital communication to REDUCE THE BOUNDARIES.

10.    Transform every business process into JUST-IN-TIME DELIVERY.

11.    Use digital delivery to ELIMINATE THE MIDDLE MAN.

12.    Use digital tools to HELP CUSTOMERS solve problems for themselves.

* - Gates, William H., III. (1999). Business @ The Speed of Thought: Using a Digital Nervous System. Warner Books.